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1. Reliable Japanese quality & durability

2. High performance engine with high output power

3. High fuel efficiency and quiet operation

4. Well appointed interior (Clean and Solid)

5. Easy for body builders to attach application due to the vast number of frame holes

6. Minimized downtime for businesses



Engine Model: 4JJ1

Truck: Super Jumbo Gold Edition




With increased HP of 130PS the engine offers more power ultimately leading to more powerful acceleration on highways. This provides drivers with more force and strength to carry its maximum weight and travel at safe speeds, preventing trucks from being held back by its load.

KEY PERFORMANCE Isuzu is fitted with a turbo charged engine which provides a larger combustion reaction meaning more power. This allows the truck to achieve the same performance as a larger displacement. Thus minimizing the size and weight of the engine, thereby reducing fuel consumption and emissions, ensuring reliable performance as well as saving you money.

DURABILITY Japanese quality and built, the Isuzu truck guarantees a durable engine compared to its competitors offering an extended life span on the truck. It has been proven and tested that the average Isuzu truck can stay on the road for 20 years and more with the average years of ownership for the first owner is 7 years.  The carefully chosen applications and materials used ensures exterior and interior durability through the years in use. Isuzu can cover 384K km’s and still run without major faults, meaning that an Isuzu can travel to the moon and back 5 times in its lifespan.


Instrument Panel

The instrument panel uses a “hard wave” motif to expand the sense of interior space. Curved cockpit surfaces are designed to fit natural hand movements and put controls at drivers’ fingertips.

Cabin Interior

The global standard of expanded cabin space unprecedented comfort and freedom.


Curved cockpit surfaces are designed to fit natural hand movements and put controls at driver fingertips. Even the form and angle of switches are carefully considered, resulting in a dramatic improvement in operability.

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